So, here it is - as Inigo says on the Prince Bride "No, there is too much, let me sum up"
We found a house we loved. We considered. We planned. We plotted. We worried. We hemmed. We hawed. We bit the bullet. We decided to rent our current place (which happened in 3 (three) days - seriously - 3 days for renting but 6 months and no sale?), and put an offer in on the house we loved.
The seller was, as they say, motivated - he is putting all his belongings in storage and traveling around the world, and he is leaving in November. By the way, how unbelievably awesome is that?? Also, he seems a bit obsessed with electronics - which is fine with us because the house is wired for sound in most rooms, has new updated and fun lighting, and even has crazy things like motion detectors that turn on the lights in the stairwells. I didn't even know such things existed. And he liked nice things, so the kitchen has been recently updated and is gorgeous, and the house needs no work at all. And there is parking AND a roofdeck.
I am SO EXCITED. Excited like I haven't really talked about it too much because I like it so much I'm worried that something bad is going to happen and it's going to fall through. But, the contract is signed, the inspection is done, the appraisal is done, and we are just over 3 weeks from moving in. (OMG I AM MOVING IN 3 WEEKS) So I guess I can talk about it now...
We asked for a fast closing because we wanted to be in before the holidays, and he was fine with it because of the whole leaving to travel the world thing. Doing things at such speed does involve stress though, it's stressful under any circumstance, but faster = more stressful. Also, doing it during the very busiest time of year at work = insane me. So, less blogging - and I was doing so good there for a while.
I do actually have knitting to show off though. I have this before and after:

Oh I am SO much happier with the after, so very much happier. If only it would stop being 80 every day I could wear it.
I will have another sweater to show you by the end of the weekend, huzzah!
And oooh, I cannot forget - is anyone going to Stitches East? Because - as if I don't have enough on my plate right now - I am going! Heck, I'm not going to cancel a planned trip to stitches with my knitting gals just because I'm moving. I mean, yarn is light anyway, right? If anyone is going to be there, drop me a line, it would be fun to say hello!
Congrats on the new house! It sounds amazing!
I'll be at Stitches East with my LYS. We're Adirondack Yarns. I'd so love to meet you! Please stop by to say hello if you have time!
Oh, I LOVE the after shawl! It's like the yarn and pattern were totally meant to be the second time around. :-)
Posted by: Kerry | October 04, 2012 at 09:50 PM
Congratulations!!! That is fabulous news! I get the stress that goes with it, but overall, very very good. (And it's wonderful that you will be in by the holidays.) I can't wait to see pictures. Also, Daybreak is beautiful. I think I agree - much better than the original. :)
Posted by: Jocelyn | October 05, 2012 at 07:32 PM
Congrats on the new house! And thanks for showing the Rockefeller turned Daybreak! My Rockafeller is lanquishing in the closet. Not happy at all with it.
Posted by: Marcia | October 15, 2012 at 04:20 PM