Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments about Duke, it has been hard, and continues to be, but there is nothing to do but move forward, accept and adjust as well as help Pixie adjust to being an only dog. From everything I have read, that simply invovles keeping our routines, helping her to adjust to her new role as 'lead dog' by doing some training with her, and doing the things she likes to do - longer walks, going to the park, etc. We can do that.
My knitting seems to have come to a screeching halt, I don't know if it's the stress or the warm winter, but I just don't seem to be moving forward on anything. I start things, I knit a bit, I put it down, knit something else, etc, etc.
The only thing I've finished so far this year is the Swirl Jacket. I am not entirely convinced about this style, even though it does seem to be in right now.
I do like it from the front, it's the back that I'm uncertain about.
I have, however, managed to purchase a significant amount of yarn. That leads me to believe it's the stress, because I am a stress shopper. It appears that I have a thing for this particular shade of blue right now. It's in, so I'm seeing it everywhere, and I do like it, but this might be a bit excessive.
I bought yarn to make Color Affection, I am loving these kind of shawls and there really is something about stress and garter stitch, isn't there?
I also did a fair amount of research and bought a DSLR (Canon EOS Rebel T2i). After learning that it really was my camera that sucked, I decided there was no point in dragging out any further and I have been learning how to use this one. I am slowly but surely going through the companion book I purchased, completing the assignments, and wow am I really glad I got this book. Without it I would still be fumbling around in the dark!
The pictures above are the last hold out from my old camera, though I will admit that it's still easier to take pictures on my phone and upload them. I have to find a better photo managment software, I'm using picasa but I'm really not sold on it - does anyone have any recommendations?
This is my favorite photo so far, the reflection of row homes in a puddle - finding a bit of beauty in a very unexpected place.
Swirl-I love it! Need to start mine, I guess. I think I need to get a few things off needles first. You mention knitting on this and that-that's my norm, I'm afraid.
Posted by: pattie | February 19, 2012 at 09:20 AM
Love the reflections photo you took.
Posted by: Nancyde | February 19, 2012 at 02:02 PM
The swirl jacket looks lovely...on you. I too have mixed feelings about these designs although I love drapey front sweaters.
Your row home photo is amazing. Keep us posted on your photography adventures!
Posted by: Jo | February 20, 2012 at 11:46 AM
That is a gorgeous photo! Good for you for getting a good camera - you won't regret it, I guarantee it. And I love Swirl on you!! You're right - the front is a bit better than the back, but that back doesn't look bad. I just doesn't look as absofantasticalutely fab as the front does. Can't wait to see the new shawl - those are perfect colors, and you're right, garter stitch, stripes, and stress go together like milk and cookies.
Posted by: Jocelyn | February 20, 2012 at 10:53 PM