We had more puppy drama last week, not to worry, everything is okay, but with DH out of town, me on my own with the pup, and then me turning around and going to a conference the day after he got home, I haven't had much time to knit or blog. I have, however, had time to read, so I am posting the first book review.
Anyway, the one thing I did want to show you was that I popped my toe through my sock in the airport on the way out of town and I had to do an emergency fix with the yarn I had on hand.
It doesn't match, but it's functional!
And now, on to a book!
Sleepless by Charlie Huston
I LOVED this book. It is set in a not-so-far-from-now time where our society is falling apart at the seams. The narrative is from two points of view, one very clear character and one that isn't identified immediately, each of whom are operating on opposite sides of the same reality. Due to the semi-apocalyptic atmosphere and the disease ripping its way through society, seemingly at random, it alternately creeped me out and made me hope beyond reasonable hope that all the main characters were going to be okay.
It is very well written and constructed, the characters are very timely and a bit iconic, but still very well done. I think this one will stay with me for a long, long time. I highly recommend it.
(find me on Goodreads!)
I haven't been doing real book book reviews (as opposed to knitting), so I'm not sure how much detail to put in. I know I tend to like blurbs rather than story outlines - thoughts?
The toe repair looks good! And I hope all is well with the pups - it's always worrisome when they're not feeling good. The book review is interesting; in a lot of ways, I prefer something that gets at the tone of the book rather than the plot. I tend to be more and less prepared for certain kinds of tones than others, and it's a good way for me to choose books, but that's just me!
Posted by: Jocelyn | February 12, 2011 at 02:05 PM
J got me this for Xmas and I've yet to start it. I just pulled it off the shelf yesterday and am thinking of giving it a go. Now I really want to start it!
Posted by: Heather | February 19, 2011 at 07:54 PM