I got the latest embrace the lace kit - again, for me, it's 'eh' - this is the yarn, I didn't manage to take a pic of the whole package before it scattered to the 4 corners of my house.
It's a 70/30 merino/silk blend, 1260 yards in 7 oz, Miss Babs, Yearning. The color is called something about sand, it goes from a really light tan to a cafe au lait color.
The pattern is a large triangular shawl with a fairly simple design, pretty, looks very summer & beachy.
Once again...I don't like it. At this point there have been 3 colors in a row that I don't like, I'm thinking that the Woolgirl's tastes in color differ from mine in the extreme. I'm also thinking that there is really only one more color group I don't like (yellow/orange), so in the next 5 shipments there are just BOUND to be blues, purples, pinks, reds, or greys. Pretty please?
In the meantime, if anybody is interesting in buying or trading let me know...
My jaywalker is coming along and I LOVE it. I will be so very sad if it doesn't go over my heel.
My Pompon sweater is coming along nicely.
Although I can't seem to take a non-fuzzy picture to save my life.
This one, though it's at a super odd angle, really shows the pattern nicely. This sweater is designed with short sleeves, and I'm not so sure about wool with short sleeves, so I'm hoping that after I finish the body and neckline I will have enough yarn to make 3/4 sleeves. It shouldn't take too much extra, I wouldn't think, I'm just trying to add 4" to the sleeve, I hope I have enough.
I fell in love with the Carnaby Street Pullover from the new Knitscene (as well as a bunch of things from the new interweave, but that's for another day).
I am looking at this yarn/button combo. Heather, you were right on with those buttons!
It calls for sport and this is fingering weight, but I think it's heavy enough fingering to use as a sub. I hope so.
I did some swatching today, first for the Tweedy Aran Cardigan, I have been wanting to make this for a while, and I have a substantial amount of Pear Tree that I bought to make an aran sweater, so I think it's time to give it a shot. Also, I adore this yarn and bought it over a year ago, I read something somewhere about letting things you love sit because they are too precious to use and then they go bad without you ever having used them. (it could have been on one of your blogs, I'm not sure) So I am going to commit and not save it for something 'special', I'm going to make this sweater and I'm going to LOVE it and use it until it gets all pilly and possibly has holes in the elbows. I hope. As long as I don't screw it up really badly.
The color isn't showing up well here, it's a gorgeous pink/coral kind of color. However, I need my size 7 needles and they are occupied elsewhere, so I must finish that project first!
The bottom swatch is for something I got in my head a week or so ago. It is unbelievably cold in my office in the winter. So cold that the guy who had my office last wore his coat all day. I am not willing to do that, so I live in wool sweaters and wool socks, but sometimes that isn't enough either. I decided I should make a wool cami out of sock yarn so it would be as thin as the cotton camis I wear to layer, but infinitely warmer. I am using malabrigo sock b/c it's soft and superwash!
I drew up a little diagram of it, I am figuring on 2-3" of negative ease b/c I don't want any extra fabric to buckle under whatever I am wearing, I really want it to be snug. I am going to put ribbing on the bottom just to keep it from rolling and ribbing on the sides to help with the snugness. I am going to use darts instead of side decreases b/c with the sock yarn it takes a lot of decreasing to decrease & increase that much!
This is going to be my next bus project, that's a lot of stockinette in a circle and I certainly have plenty of time to get it done before the cold hits. (if those aren't famous last words I don't know WHAT would be...) I only have one skein and I doubt that will be enough, but it's supposed to be an undershirt, so it doesn't matter if the dyelots don't match.
I hope this works!
And today Duke helped me lots. He is incredibly good at holding down the couch, my ipod, knitting, pattern pages, and anything else I might possibly want to use in the next 10 minutes. But he's awfully cute, isn't he?
Congrats to your husband and I really like the top! Looks great (even if blurry).
All the best
Posted by: eve | August 03, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Have you considered dyeing over the lace yarn? I know it seems a bit daft since the idea of a lace club is to get indie dyer dyed colors, but... it's better than having yarn you don't like.
And many congrats to your husband on the job!!!
Posted by: Kathleen C. | August 03, 2009 at 10:39 AM
Great idea on the wool camisole!
Jaywalker's coming along nicely, too.
Posted by: trek | August 03, 2009 at 10:58 AM
yeah, those buttons will look gorgeous with that yarn!! Go teamwork!
Posted by: Heather | August 03, 2009 at 05:28 PM
Ooh, so much beautiful knitting. I'm sorry to hear about the lace club -- I know how disappointing that is... Also, belated congrats to hubby on the job!!
Posted by: Jocelyn | August 05, 2009 at 02:12 PM