And here I am, and not feeling guilting at all about the month delay - thanks for reminding me that I didn't have any obligation to keep to any kind of schedule, so I mentally removed the one I had placed on myself and I'm going to blog at will.
I have been busy. I will continue to be busy. I do like being busy, but this is a bit much I think.
Where to start?
I was in Hawaii

Which is beautiful but far too hot.
Also, there is a VOLCANO there! So freaking amazing.

There are many more pictures, which you are welcome to flip through on Flickr
Also, you all know I'm doing this whole photography thing. I got lost posting my weekly photos, but I am still posting them over on google+, so if you are over there, and you care to see my pictures, circle me! If you can't find me, let me know in the comments, I'm there under my "real" name so I may not pop up depending on what you search for.
I joined a super cool club-thingy over there on the google plus - "drink and click", which meets once a month for happy hour, takes pictures on a theme and then has dinner at the end. That was crazy fun. I didn't take many good pictures, I was having too much fun chatting and making friends.

There have been thunderstorms

and Rainbows

More sunsets than rainbows, but I keep looking for them! I have to say, when we were looking for a house with a roof deck, I didn't even think about all the great things I would get to photograph!
The puppy is almost grown up at 11 months old (though he's still super insane, if completely adorable and sweet)
There are fresh tomatoes (roof deck!) and fresh herbs, and Iggy thinks they are all his personal salad bar.

Pix is fine and chugging right along, she just isn't as comical as he is, so less photos of her.
I'm playing with black and white

The color theory has a lot in common with colorwork for quilting and fair isle - who knew?
And finding alien fruit

And I am knitting, but no pictures at the moment. Not much gets finished in the's just too darn hot to think about putting anything on my body that is non-cotton or linen and thicker than one of those scandalously see through t-shirts that no one over the age of 16 should wear.
Did I mention I'm going to China for work for two weeks? I'm leaving in just over a week. I can't decide if I'm excited, anxious, or some combination of the two - but heck, I don't know if I ever would have gone if it weren't for this work thing, so off to China I go!!
I hope you are all enjoyed the fourth & stay cool in this heat wave!
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